Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Arts Studio and Academy Season 2012

A r t s _ S t u d i o _ & _ A c a d e m y

Learn to see the world better and make it further better.
February 2012 New Season.
·  Courses
·  WorkShops
*********Msg me, if interested.*********

Arts Academy Season 2012 as seen by TMNews editor of ThemorningNews main sponsor of the project.
Arts is a good thing
We would like to start  our own art community to share the creative process of this year 2012.
Doing things within the boundaries of Imvu technnical possibilities with its good and bad things.
Having a schedule following some special dates or landmarks in the calendar starting in March 8th with the International Day of Women and International Day of Dance on April 29th.
Making an Arts Studio Academy  and starting Season 2012 in February encompassing  some seminars and workshops.
In  House lecturers
Hired lecturers
Promotion of the Season 2012 through the Imvu Pulse, TheMorningNews and direct Invitations through the messaging facility of the Imvu client.
Classes to be held at Vaganova Arts Studio & School (in Imvu)
The expected results: a team of artists and craftmen who would join us in the activities during the following months.
The unexpected results: achieving more than that; every additional result will add value to our project.


How is Arts Academy Season 2012 going to work?
Arts Academy
Season 2012
As seen by HadaLyla
Executive Director
The creative process has no boundaries in time and space dimensions. It may take seconds, minutes, hours, years and more and encompass a domain of localities in all the globe and universe. Ideas have no boundaries but the expanding borders of imagination.

However, to make things work in connection with a demanding society, artists has to do efforts to adapt themselves to an ordinary 12 month calendar and make their productions and works fit into a clearly planned and scheduled activities and  deadlines pattern.

Having that in mind, we have designed a grid of activities in the form of Seminars and Workshops on  general and specific subjects, focusing on topics specially selected to highlight the practical manners in which arts processes are run, results obtained and goals accomplished.

What will be the contents?
Arts Academy
Season 2012
As seen by fromiMcLau
What do we have at hands? Ballerinas, writers, creators and  people who have had several successful projects in the recent past. We have to take advantage of them. Squeeze them until the last drop of their talents has been delivered.

Besides, our next two landmarks in the calendar are the International Day of Women on March 8th and The international Day of Dance on April 29th. So we should focus on the arts that will help us the most to enhance the fulfillment of those two commitments. I could tell writing and dance as the most prominent and product creation in a supporting role.

As a consequence, should we expect then to have only dance and writing in our seminars and workshops? No, here and now is where and when we have to use a wise instead of mere logical thinking.

Managing our feelings and perceptions is a common substrate to every creation process, we create with brain, our senses, instincts. We have been, from the beginning, forgetting about the art of doing art, whatever the specialty

Therefore, we should consider, above all, including some chapters on the art of thinking and the art of creation itself; call it philosophy of arts, meta arts, you name it. Because, we do our work with what is available at any time. We will surely have more than dance and writing in the future as well as students in this season who come from other trades of arts and life, but our way and style will remain the same.

So, my proposal is a balanced cocktail of Thinking and Art Appreciation, Creative Writing, Dance and Product Creation.

The Grid
This will be the structure of the grid of courses. We are working in which of them will be available in this Season 2012 according to the time left for prior preparations;  we will have it available soon to start promoting and registering students. /HadaLyla

Arts Thinking
Dance &



A r t s _ S t u d i o _ & _ A c a d e m y

Learn to see the world better and make it further better.
February 2012 New Season.
·  Courses
·  WorkShops *********Msg me, if interested.*********

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