Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Real Magic Behind HyperCom

The Magic Behind HyperCom

HyperCom is a reality, although I thought it was a crazy dream by some nuts in a mad tea party when I was commisioned to build it on last December 2011. It is a project  made possible  by a brilliant idea, a lot of work and the collective efforts of the owners of it and other uninterested people who contributed for its construction. I have been granted permission to share details about it and show that magic really exists but it means a lot of energy, work and effort by real people. Magic is not for lazy people, absolutely.

Hermiawnee, builder of Hypercom in the promotional T-Shirt of the TheMorningNews main sponsor of the project

I write this article just because a new project is about to begin: Arts Studio Academy  Season 2012. It could seem a mad dream to some  skeptical people and  perhaps my words may endorse some optimism to the organizing team, the prospective teachers and students.  

Some Contributors
Here some of the contributors to the HyperCom projects apart from the initial budget and further exependitures in credits and money.

Last acquisition to complete the decoration of the sea landscape.

A surprising present gifted by the VandeBilt family owners of the Vaganova Arts School

A basement for future use in storing materials, tools and other stuff.

A necessary piece of furniture for the Cafe on the piers 

Newstand for the small market on the piers.

Bavayahga Cafe Branch on the piers

Bavayahga Cafe Branch on the piers. Expresso Machine.

Music for the break times

A FOR SALE sign, very handy in a new condo.

Welcoming Sign at the entrance

Skating court in the Antarctica.

The Antarctica

UK Flag

USA Flag

Chile Flag

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