Monday, January 2, 2012

New Features in TheMorningNews

Welcome to

We inaugurate today a new format for the contents of our blog. It has a modular structure and a graphics intendeded to enhance readability.
There are also some additional sections in the contents which will allow gathering each topic according to its domain of action  so that readers may focuse on what is more related to their interest and may skip the rest.

TheMorningNews Editor: TMNews

Dear Readers

As you may tell from the graphics, TheMorningNews is starting a new year 2012 along  with new features to improve both appearance and contents in order to provide a more pleasant reading source for its readers.
We look forward to have more sponsors for our publications so care has been taken in providing new spaces where they may announce their products and services. This is for economical reasons, we have a hired crew of columnists and other specialists who have their jobs as a source of benefits. This newspaper  is a non profit organization   in principle but it needs to keep a balance of payments so as to secure stability all through the year and in the long run.
We also expect to motivate entrepreneurs to start new business through contents, originally meant for training our work teams, which we have deemed as useful enough as to be shared and used by others for their own advantage.

If you browse below, you will find in this article a list of our contents and a short description of them.

The Editor


TheMorningNews publishes a set of general contents  for all users; eventually we may also customise some of it for users with a special need.


  • Newsletters
  • Reviews
  • Stories
  • News
  • Videos
  • Articles
  • Pictures
  • Tutorials
  • Offices
  • Studios
  • Open air Studios
  • Closed Doors
  • White Room
  • Green Room

You may find many interesting topics approached in an unusual angle or perspective which make them more valuable because it is innovation brought to your reading field of view.
Talented writers and commentators put a dot on the i’s where nobody have done it before. And this is valuable because it is fruit of original exploration and analysis; as a result  not mere information also knowledge.  

Exploration is the source for finding so many hidden treasures and richness. Finding a gem is not just pure serendipity, it is the outcome of the hard work digging deep and delving in matters, texts, catalogs. Reaching page 100 in the Imvu Product Catalog may take a long time. The average user buys what is found in the first 2 or 3 pages of it. We review some articles we tried and test for our use in some task. We share the results. We may also make special survey and reviews of products for some creators who might be interested in that service.

A weekly newsletter is a good resource to keep track of our publications. We send it by email in a pdf format file to be easy to read and print. You may also be interested in publishing a newsletter to your customers to tell about the evolvements of your catalog of products or featuring a dedicated article devoted to a new product.  

Interesting stories of the outer world and virtual realm. There are so many stories both real and  fiction, tales,legends and myths some of them widely known and others quite hidden and annonymous. What can be better than a creepy story before falling asleep?

Funny stories, jokes, comics to makes smile and laugh. The best medicine for every illness. Humor makes us remember we are human beings and that people is people all around the globe

Video Channel
We have proudly announced our TMN Video Channel in past editions. TMN is a streaming video chanel in livestream dot/com service; you may reach it at link: TMN Video Channel.
We have also  several videos posted in youtube service;  search for user TMNewsMagazine.

And last, but not the least, our sponsors messages about their product and services. Their contribution is a valuable support for this site and the persons who work in the backstage to make it possible.

 The Clowns Corner
Laugh Gallery for funny story writers, comedians and clowns.     

From “On Geometrical Aberrations and other Visual Artifacts”
 by FunnyMclaugh. 

After a New Year Eve  and half a dozen cocktails, a man woke up the next morning laying on his back over the bed and realized he had four legs instead of his usual two. He was also surprised to know he has also four arms and his immediate thought was “OMG, this is a nightmare,  what  if I have two wives!
He gazed at one side and the other but saw only one woman at his right who was just opening her eyes. “But you are not my wife, she is blond and you are brunette!
Of course I’m not your wife!- said the woman, “and what do you think  you are doing laying on my husband?”

Symmetry and Asymmetry
From: Somewhere in the web. By Anonymous

 (Click to Enlarge)


This newspaper is named TheMorningNews and we don’t mind the hour of the day the new edition is released because it is always morning in some part of the world.

 Disclaimer: This is just a black humor joke; We do mind the editions are releseased timely

Messages from our


This is the TheMorningNews Sticker. Buy it at : Product Number=11878391 at the Catalog

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