Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Journal & Diaries Tue Nov 22nd 2011 : About IMVU & National Security


We all know there are thousands of thematic places in Imvu dealing with different areas of interest. One these specific realms are those related to war and armed forces; Army, Navy, Airborn Forces.
If you search by "army" in the Chatrooms Option you get a lot of sites related to this field.
Each of them have a crew  who are in charge of running the place. Most of the times these locations are void of tourists and they may be just not allowed in.

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TheMorning news, in its research and information endeavor, usually explore many places and these military camps and outposts are no exception. Sometines we send an explorer (an agent of our team) to drone locations in observing mode and may be he or she meets a sentinel and cannot go in; in other ocassions a conversation takes place. We pay our sincere respects to these people who we deem as patriots, veterans who gather old camrades and   stay low profile in their barraks, thats why we seldom see them  in other places.

The story in this account:

Some other times, strange things happen, such as the one we focus our attention in  in this story. It occurred in mid November 2011 at an air force strip or airport named Helens Hanger.
If you look at the place you will see something like a  war planes museum exhibition.

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Intrigue at Hellens Hanger

Our agent, whose identity will be concealed in this account and whom we will  call Terry, reached Helens Hanger at noon (PST). There was some people there; after searching for army places it was the only site with more than 4 persons inside at the time. That was why Terry chose that location to go in.

Once she was there, while and after loading, she noticed an unusual behaviour in the place. Short sentences being written very quickly on the screen, both in English and Arabic; then only Arabic, then complete silence and poofing away the hell out of there by everyone.
One of the guys invited Terry to chat after he had left. Terry accepted the chat, but no dialog followed, just a short glance at each other and poofing off by the guy who had invited her.

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There seemed to have been a meeting held by some group. Nothing unusual. May be a role playing group.
What was unusual in fact was the quick evacuation after they saw our agent was in and the invitation to chat by one the guys shortly afterwards.

Terry, from the first moment, captured some snapshots of the situation there and got the list of the persons attending this "secret meeting" she hadn't meant to disturb.
Once in the TMnews Hedaquarters, we have checked for these persons and none of thems eems  to have been on line again ever since.
We end this account by saying we dont have an answer for it and remain with a big ? sign on the dossier Terry compiled and on our heads.

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