Wednesday, November 23, 2011

TheMorningNews: Credit Scam Warning!

Credit Scam Warning!
As published by user SexyKimmyKim  in the Pulse at 13:35 PST


There's a new IMVU SCAM and hackers can get your password just visiting their pages.
You automatically log out from Imvu and the screen shows you "exactly" the SAME Imvu login page, when you type your name and password, you are lost.
Luk3Misfits, His pic is a RL stolen-from the web for sure, huge man chest.- DONT GO TO HIS PAGE-.
The other name is stefajoydukeofpaxton.
He might have deleted those and make new accounts today.
Someone was hacked and all my dev creds where sent to a sales credits site.
He also tried to hack their friend Loverly.
There's a thread in forums here:
So guys be careful, dont add people you never talked before..
Imvu cant do anything about this, you lose your account just visiting pages...AWFUL!!

Pulse 13:35 PST
Comment by another user:

"Some days ago, there was a report on a link displaying a fake Imvu Login page. There were just two details to tell it was a fake page:

1.-The number of people on line wouldn't match that displayed by the imvu client.

2.-The URL was of the type; Http:/(something)/www..imvu(.)com
Real Imvu site is http://www.imvu/(.)com
The fake site was an exact portrait of the Imvu login page, so it was clearly meant to steal user/password pair.

The link was sent by some scammer to the msg box of potential victims.

The case you tell about may be some cheat of this kind.

If you happen to get more details on this you may write to TheMorningNews (user TMNews).

Be careful"


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