Monday, November 14, 2011

TheMorningNews-Evening Edition (PST 19:54 Monday 14th Nov 2011)

New CEO in TheMorningNews:

After a warm reception of the first edition of this virtual newspaper launched in its maiden edition this morning TheMorNingNews staff is pleased to announce some structural changes. The most important of them is the hiring for the CEO position of  Miss QVassar who has taken over the assigment this afternoon.

Here, some excerpts of her words at a private take-over ceremony:

"Glad to receive so much trustful support from the public and  private counterparts to boost this great initiative. We are endowed to inform Imvu users and whoever wants to click open our blog-magazine-newspaper-journal, ...or  whatever we want to call it."

"We face some huge challanges,  some from inside dynamics such as the logistics of information and other in the outside world  within Imvu and from further beyond in the real world. We are confindent in our ideas, concepts and forms of action. We have policies to enforce  and options to build and take and are  trustful in the good will of most Imvu dwellers to whom,  at the end of all,  we are dedicated to serve".

 "As for the obstacles we face, I am clear and loud to say I dont' fear the pits and traps of destiny neither the tricks and cheats of those who would prefer this magazine be pushed to dissapear or stop to exist. Truth will make us free;  from a personal standpoint,  I trust the Good Lord and,  from a colective approach, we all  know that In God,  We All Trust and we are also certain that our work will be blessed".

"As for the "who is that snooty college girl";  I must declare that I am also a veteran of two modern wars, of which I am very proud,  dealing both in trenches,  soiling my face and hands,  as well as in the techno warfare of weaponry based in knowldege more than force, and I am trustful this exepertise will be valuable to overcome the walls, gaps or whatever is in our way toward doing our job which may be stated simply as inform and give some entertainment to expand a wave of good vibrations for all of us to enjoy".

The CEO and Editor: Miss QVassar

Notes to this edition: New Imvu, mail and blogger accounts has been created  as separate  and distinct sources to that of personal nature and use for securiy and managerial purposes.

You may read the Monday 11/14 morning edition in: 

..(Edition in progress)

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