Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Morning News Sat 26th Nov 2011 : Volatile & Ephemeral

Ephemeral and Volatile
Why bringing some contents from the Imvu Pulse in this blog? Isn't it a redundancy?
Yes, it is a necessary one.
Because Pulse is volatile, ephemeral like a spark in the sky, it lasts for a few minutes and then is completely gone.
Coming from the world of dance where performances are precisely that nature volatile and ephemeral I believe it is a great gift of our times having video cams to grasp a view or snapshot of them and keep it for later watching or study.

Writing in the Pulse is like performing LIVE, not perfect science,  nothing is perfect, it doesn't have to be perfect because you write and read  yours and others  mood, a gesture, the way it is flowing outside.
No need for harsh criticism of style, form and correction. What you really share and enjoy is the spontaneous emergence of inner life spread over the surface of the earth coming to your screen LIVE.
But it is ephemeral, volatile, lasts just a  moment. Long enough to give it a first read and then capturing if it's deemed worthwhile and share the specimen  with others who are sleeping at that time (earth is spherical, you may remember that, it rotates...)
At first. I read with deep interest what was being written in other locations in the world, but soon it came out that we are not only segregated by latitudes and longitudes but also by age ranges. And it is this feature the one marking the difference in contents most of the times.

With these considerations in mind, the idea of sharing my browsing emerged  and the topics of "Women Talk" or "Women's Wisdom" came into existence in the form of new posting in the Pulse and now in this article for TheMorningNews.

People with whom we probably will never come "face to face" in a chat room because of timezone, age ranges and  interests scope segregation is mirrored in those excerpts captured from the Pulse.A first try was yesterday posting of "Women's Wisdom". Now, a little more of the same material: "Women Talk" .

Women Talk, all over the world

Sat 26th 2011 00:15 PST 
It is the time Europe is Awake
09: 15 CET (Central Europe Time)
SultanaOfAngel :Female 43 Italy
Member since: 10/01/10

Ti sei mai chiesto perché i consigli che ricevi sembrano non funzionare?
Come puoi aspettartidei miracoli nella tua vita quando ti sembra di non riuscire neppure ad arrivare fino a sera?
Per gran parte della mia carriera ho aiutato la gente a capire come migliorare la propria vita e come vivere ipropri sogni. Ho incontrato anche molte persone convinte che le cose non sarebbero mai andate per il verso giusto e che tutto quello che di grande e meraviglioso capita agli altri non sarebbe mai capitato a loro.
“Il mondo dello sviluppo personale sembra invaso dall’idea chei pensieri positivi cambino la vita. Ma questa è solo una parte della soluzione. Credo che una forte fiducia legata all’azione sia la vera chiave. Puoi cercare di convincerti di essere felice, ma se la tua mente è piena di opinioni auto limitanti che sostengono il contrario, non farai nessun progresso.
L’unico modo per vivere veramente i tuoi sogni è ripulirti da queste tendenze e assumere il totale controllo della tua felicità. Allora imparerai a lasciare che i miracoli accadano ogni giorno della tua vita?.

Joe Vitale, Zero Limits

Have you ever wondered why the advice that you seem to not work? As you can aspettartidei
miracles in your life when you seem to fail even to get up at night?
For most of my career I helped people to understand how to improve their
lives and how to live their dreams. I also met many people convinced that
things would never go right and that all that great and wonderful happens
to others would never happen to them. "The world of personal development
seems to be invaded by idea chei positive thoughts change your life.
But this is only a part of the solution. I believe that a strong confidence
linked to action is the real key. You can try to convince you to be happy,
but if your mind is full of self limiting beliefs that claim the contrary,
does not make any progress. The only way to really live your dreams is ripulirti
by these trends and take total control of your happiness.
Then learn to leave that miracles happen every day of your life?.

Joe Vitale, Zero Limits

Munjekabraun : Female 37 Germany
Member since: 11/20/11

Morgen ist der 1. Advend und zu diesem Anlass wünsche ich Euch allen einen geruhsamen erholsamen Advendsonntag laßt euch die selbstgebacken Keckse schmecken
Tomorrow is 1. I wish Advend and to this occasion You to all one peaceful restful Advendsonntag let yourself taste selfbaked Keckse

Member since: 05/30/10

1stLadyDSoulBugatti :
Female 44
Member since 06/25/10

S I N G L E or N O T put this as your status and see what color people I N B O X you! (it's all a secret :)
Turquoise: Think your Cute :D
Black: I want a relationship
Purple: I miss you♥
Orange: I really like you ^_^
... Pink: I ♥ you
Red: I miss how we were :C
Yellow: Kiss me :*
Grey: we need to talk
Blue: I Hate you >:(
Green: Your Beautiful♥


Female 37
Member since: 02/01/09

Here's an idea, How about everyone learns to deal with their bs and stops making everyone else feel like total and complete ****. Each and every person wakes up every day to their own problems and goes to bed at night with at least one problem to wake up with the next morning and deal with. I am sick and tired of seeing ppl I care about fighting and arguing and hurting because some stupid, ignorant fool needs to grow up. This is the internet and yes people can say things that hurt but you can choose to walk away from it so stop letting that little person behind the computer control you. Remember, he who angers you and hurts you, controls you.


DustyRose3865 :
Female N/A

According to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, while both male and female reindeer grow antlers in the summer each year, male reindeer drop their antlers at the beginning of winter, usually late November to mid-December Female reindeer retain their antlers till after they give birth in the spring.
Therefore, according to EVERY historical rendition depicting Santa's reindeer, EVERY single one of them, from Rudolph to Blitzen, had to be a girl.
We should've known... ONLY women would be able to drag a fat-ass man in a red velvet suit all around the world in one night and not get lost

DustyRose3865 :
Member since: 09/10/10

It's a big bad world full of twists and turns, and people have a way of blinking and missing the moment... The moment that could've changed everything.

More from DustyRose3865 : 
Sometimes we push others away for fear of getting hurt. Sometimes we push them away to see if they love us enough to pull us back in....

when she worries about you, that means she cares. when she stops caring, thats when you should be worried....

Family is not always blood. It’s the people in your life who want you in theirs, the ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile, and who love you no matter what.....

ryeky  :
Female 38
Member since: 06/18/11

sei unico braiansilver il giovedi mi ami e il venerdi sparisci e ora chiedi pure che hai fatto? la parola amore è una cosa seria nn un gioco addio soldatino
you only love me braiansilver on Thursday and Friday of here and now ask that you did? the word love is a serious nn game goodbye steadfast
QueenBellaDelano : Female 40
Member since: 04/25/10

Little Johnny attended a horse auction with his father, watching as his father moved from horse to horse, running his hands up and down the horse's legs, rump, and chest.
After a few minutes, Johnny asked, "Dad, why are you doing that?"
His father replied, "Because when I'm buying horses, I have to make sure that they are healthy and in good shape before I buy."
Looking worried, Johnny said, "Dad, I think the UPS guy wants to buy Mom!"

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