Wednesday, November 16, 2011

TheMorningNews Wed Nov 16th 2011 (15:03 PST)

Witness and Victim of a Credit Scam

This was a conversation with a girl who was victim of a credit scam on Sunday Nov 13rd 2011

Last Sunday Nov 13rd Kate was contacted by a credit scammer named  lCarlyAnnLuna
She trusted her and gave the scammer her email  and Imvu pwd
She was robbed more than US$100
Got her e-mail pwd changed ( so she lost her e-Mail account) and some of her configuration data in Imvu
She had to open a new mail account, have her bank account protected and make Imvu reset her imvu account.
She was willing to come forward and tell about her painful experience so as to help make people aware of  the reality of this type of scams; no myth, no legend, an awful reality within the Imvu realm.

This is an excerpt of the chat log.
Names have been changed so as to protect these witnesses of further attacks by the same or other scammers.

In the ChatSession:

Kate: The victim  (cheated by scammer lCarlyAnnLuna whose real name is already known)
DaKute: Another victim,  contacted by a second scammer (named IcySweetDreams21 )
whose intent was unsuccessful fortunately. Later she realized she had been stolen a picture of her
an used by an impostor.
TMNews: One of the TheMorningNews editors.


DaKute: icydreamsweet & another one is icarly* smthin

Kate: icarly* did that yo me
TMnews: Kate, i want to know some specific things
DaKute: u have reported her right?
Kate: yes

TMnews: but it is a slow process
Kate: icarly real name is ch**** bl**** (we have the name)
DaKute: hw did u noe that?
Kate: cause she called a company that went on my bank statement and i called them and the gentleman asked if i knew a chris blue and i said no
Kate: she is also from florida

did she stole money from you?

TMnews: one thing is : did she stole money from you?
                                    you say yes. Was it a great amount? or just the cheat of a few dollars.
Kate: she took over 100 and she got into my account cause i thought she was one of my friends that i                      have known for a while
TMnews: omg, they are real thieves
Kate: oh i got that now lol
DaKute: This is this very bad.
Kate: i hanged everything and my banker went and put a flag on my ssn
Kate: changed my account number
Kate: changed e-mail address and password
TMnews: good, you blocked your account in the bank

TMnews: did you give her your Imvu password?
Kate: yeah cause i thought she was a friend,  that was my bad...
DaKute: hw long have u known her?
Kate: for about a few months

did she hack your site? what she did there?

TMnews: did this girl go into your imvu site and change anything?
Kate: and yes she did
DaKute: wad changes did she make?
Kate: my e-mail for one were i couldn't get in
Kate: so i called imvu and fixed everything

TMnews: We have known about her since she contacted DaKute.
DaKute: no icarly didn't contact me, i found out about her. icarly's fren icysweetdream contacted me

TMnews: tell me, did you give her your data of your credit card? numbers, code
Kate: i was brb and a friend of mine was there and he did it and i bitched and yelled
Kate: sorry language

TMnews: Look, we are interested in publishing all this
TMnews: so that many other people may know what to do or not do in a case like you went through
Kate: that is cool
TMnews: no problem about language,we are ordinary people and users of this Imvu as you are.

TMnews: do you remember the exact name of the cheater?
Kate: ummm icarlysomething i would have to talk to my friend
Kate: no she isn't in my friends list

Scammers: IcySweetDreams21   &  lCarlyAnnLuna?

TMnews: IcySweetDreams21
TMnews: was it the name?
DaKute: no

DaKute: she cheated by the icarly* girl
TMnews: lCarlyAnnLuna?
TMnews: that one?

DaKute: yes her
Kate: yes that is it

TMnews: ok , its the pair we had in the paper
DaKute:  the other girl who got cheated was by icysweetdream

TMnews: When did this happen?
Kate: sunday
TMnews: Nov 13rd 2011

TMnews: tell me, does this scam has affected you very much? 
               I mean the money you lost is very meaningful for you?
Kate: just made me mad
TMnews: ok.

TMnews: How long have you been in imvu?
Kate: since the 6th i believe
TMnews: this year?
Kate: yeah

Have you ever received any warning about scams?

TMnews: Have you ever been told by anybody to take care of this or that?
               I mean,  received any warning about scams?
               Be it by Imvu or friends?
Kate: i go on another games every now and then and i took her off my friends list on the other game
             so i don't know he name on that one
Kate: nope i haven't

Going Public

TMnews: Well, I'm afraid we are not a solution for your lost.
               We cannot go after her.
              We can publish about this to warn other people, that's what we can do.
TMnews: Any way, Imvu will go after these cheaters and cancel their imvu account.
Kate: hey that is good it is a start
Kate: good
Kate: i have fixed the problem so i have less stress now than i was on Sunday

TMnews: And may be they can pass the case on to the police.
             Stealing money by cheating is a felony.
Kate: yep it is
TMnews: We are with you Kate: So whatever you need, just call us.
TMnews: The publication is in a virtual newspaper,  a blog.

End of the excerpt


(...edition in progress)

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