Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The MorningNews Tuesday 15th Nov 2011 (09:31 PST)

Editor Notes

We are in IMVU, so What's up?

Social Trends, in and out of the virtual realm.

It is a social trend in the outer world;  every one wants a single life, single appartment, a personal computer and an Ipod to feel running a life as it apparently should be.We run away from the mob and try to be ourselves.

Same trend in Imvu, since the advent of the free public room for every one,  so we may hang by our own while we browse web sites and profiles in search of a potential partner for whatever activity or affair while listening our own music or video playlists.

It is a complex world of diversities emerging from individual development opportunities featuring tolerance/intolerance ignited by the interactions and clashes between distinct individualities. These interactions may escalate to confflicts of such magnitud as to make us unite in groups, clans and crowds with a subsequent morphing of such  individualities into a mob,  again,  in an everlasting tragic chain of these events.

Breaking the servitude chains and mutating into free human viruses.

Truth,  will it make us free? Knowledge attained by whatever means is the key to grasp these phenomena and be in a better standing  to control behaviour, attitudes and become "USB" compatibles with other folk and engage our brains in an effort to try to understand the other parties during a social interaction.

Knowledge may be attained im many ways. We are always communicating and learning new stuff, by chance or structured teaching, learning or research whcih may boost our cognitive gain  as it does, indeed. 

Exploration make us rich in options to experiment situations beyond the repeating pattern of a sleeping, feeding and going to the bathroom cycle. It renders the posibbility of original knowldege.

Of course any Imvu user add to that cyclic pattern a stage of logging in and out the Imvu client program during a variable time containing a spree of mind energy delivered through   keyboards to  screens in the form of words intended to reach the brain of unknown  parties  at the other  side of the net line.

Not an Exact Science

Thinking out of the box, having open mind, practicing tolerance and patient to try to understand what it seems freeky at first sight renders the opportunity to learn something new. Learning is not an exact science, there is not fixed rules of what is always right or wrong, only standard models. Fuzzy knowldege is that kind we need to deal with uncertainties by the million.

"Last words have not been  written or said yet.
There so much to  live, explore, try and learn ahead."

The Editor QVassar

(...edition in progress)

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