Focus in what you may provide

  • Become a Contractor
  • Become a Consultant
  • Be a provider

Industry is just one  way to provide,  that is becoming a creator.
But, you may also provide services.

Innovations, some ideas:
1.-You know that at some hours of the day there are 100,000 persons on line, in Imvu.
At other times  150,000 and at another 50,000; all from 70-90 countries in the world.

But that’s not enough information. May I ask what countries? And what people? How about a distribution according to timezone or hemisphere. That would be useful.
So,  if you want to get paid for your time, you may work in doing such a study, survey or whatever it takes for making a good table or graph.

Every one can do a survey and guess,  but it takes time. What if one guy uses his idle or spare time to do that work and provide a report to the rest of the people? He would become a rich guy in less than a week.

2.-When you need a new item for your outfit, a new dress or pants to go to a party you just buy what you find in the first two pages in the shop. Why not have reviewers of products who can advise about items in  page number 79, for instance?