Monday, December 19, 2011

TMN Video Channel: OX-TheRecord by Ox.Easton

On TMN Video-Channel

On the first release of her program Ox-the Record she shows why she has made such an outstanding career in TheMorningNews. She has a gifted talent to grasp unexpected events and capturing snapshots of them in a picture or videoclip. No need to say about her comments. “It’s not the events, it’s the meaning I see in simple ordinary things around me and my  instincts and willingness to share some of my impressions before they are gone  for ever  from my mind”.
Watch her talkshow in 

Ox.Easton in OX-TheRecord
(Click to Enlarge)
Ox.Easton is a columnist for TheMorningNews and her Imvu avatar is Okzanah.”Ox.Easton is the journalist, the brainy girl doing the writings. Okzana is me, the moody girl who lives and goes out to face demons and dragons ”.

The Pretty Ballet Studio

Ballerinas at The Pretty Ballet Studio
(Click to Enlarge)

Balelrinas at the Pretty Ballet Studio
Puddi, CinnaMoroll & YureineMIra

I  that was a random encounter with a trio of girls who were dancing at the Pretty Ballet Studio. What it was remarkable was their drobes, it looked as it was a ballet costume rehearsal. I was very sleepy at that time after a hard day of work. But I knew that moment was unique so I stayed there to watch them dance. It was very beautiful.
I was visiting some new ballet studios.  Last year, there wasn’t more than 3 or four of those rooms. Now there are 3 or 4 pages in tha ChatRoom menu, thats a lot and a it means more people want to dance ballet. Every time I see a new ballet room I go inside to see what is new.

Fromi’s Songs
She is not a song writer or a singer but undoubtly she is a performer. She just likes some songs and she performs at the piano while the music is going in the jukebox. Her intention is to convey her own meanings on a wonderful carrier, this time two songs by Carole King.
First song she plays it alone and then with her friend MakNarth.
(Click to Enlarge)
This is quite raw video. It is as captured while the action was really happening; no rehearsals, no edition, no second chance to do it. A fruit of pure spontaneity.
Posting these clips has also that spicy ingredient of “she is my boss playing the clown”, kind of “grandma gonna get angry”. And yes, she has a friend. (She is going to get really angry at me because of these last two comments.)

(...Edition in Progress)

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