Thursday, December 29, 2011

Happy New Year 2012

Dear Readers:

2012 is just some yards away, no longer in the horizon or behind it as we could have seen it some weeks ago.  What is left of 2011 is just what will take us to express our feelings about this finished year.  Time runs, the devil will come and Faustus must be damned” are the  lines from Marlowe’s Faustus after time has passed away and the deadline for the payment of his contract with an evil force is just minutes away.
Fortunately, we are not Faustus, nor we have any  pact with an evil force. Quite the contrary. Our commitments are with the positive and goodness forces

TheMorningNews  Editor
of sharing welfare with all mankind; our sustained efforts and attitudes of humbly sharing our small assets with whoever has been willing to befriend us or have come to us for assistance of any kind, those  who are our readers, our friends, the members of our work teams, the persons who have honestly trusted us and helped us without the expectancy of any reward in return. Blessed be all of them. Blessed be all of us, by our creator, for those who believe in a God, and by our good will for those who don’t.

Next year is a very promising one because our work has been consistent with building a work platform to deliver simple services: entertainment, information, good vibrations, art works, beauty and humor. So we have gained momentum to cross the next 12 months in the best of all forms. Having a structure, a team, a method of work, a written language and style, a blog, a video channel, an enduring enthusiasm, and a network of resources, providers and most important of all, a network of good friends.

May all of us have the best of fortunes in our commitments, endeavors, activities both in real life as in this  virtual life which is just an extension of the first. And to our friends, to all of you,  our best wishes for the coming year 2012.

The Editor

TheMorningNews  Editor

Hermiawnnee the HyperCom Builder
and Ox.Easton posing in front of the
welcoming sign in HyperCom
(Click to Enlarge)

A new sign at HyperCom

A new sign meets visitors at the entrance of HyperCom. It tells them what is the place they are just about to explore: HyyperCom a Perfect World and a TV Studio for TMN Video Channel.
Not the only new feature, also the take off for the sale of some parts of it. If you want to buy an island, a cottage, a house in a exclusive condo.  And last, but not the least, the hiring of
a Tourist Guide to assist visitors in their walks. Just visit HyperCom and see for yourself. Her name is BethanyIridium.

Some other features are a nice place to sit and chat with friends. It is a geometrical array of wooden walkways which ressembles a Nasca figure if seen from above. Also the houses and cottages of some new owners in the community. There are some places for sale. What are the prices? that will the topic for a next article in this blog.

Hermiawnnee the HyperCom Builder
posing with the "Nasca Figure"
in the Background
(Click to Enlarge)

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