Tuesday, December 6, 2011

TheMorningNews Tue Dec 6th 2011 : Featuring TheFeministCorner

TheMorningNews Tue Dec 6th 2011 :

In this Edition

The Feminist Corner
By fromiMcLau

‘tits Ok and cun’t be better..!"
(Epitaph in grandma’s grave)

Women in Charge
TheMorningNews  has inaugurated this new section, for women standing for women’s rights in the world. We expect to get a lot of readers among women but also among men.


I am myself not a female chauvinist; I am for women’s rights,  but I have also a lot to say on behalf of men. First of all, men are not born by spontaneous creation, but by a woman. So, when we complain about their jealousy, greed, intolerance, neurosis, and so on,  we must consider that we should’nt ask an apple tree for pears; what can we expect if they are just the son of some other woman?

The Reasoning

A rabbit eats carrots, spiders weave webs, cats chase mice, …obviously any creature will do whatever  its mother does; man is no exception.

However, there is much responsibility in them,  if they don’t free themselves  by breaking the shell of the eggs they were born in. That is completely up to them. We praise those who achieve it.

Design and Geographical limits
From the WitchCraft Thesaurus for wild defnitions
"A man is like a country without a sea. It limits to the north with his wife, to the south with his mother, to the east with her sisters to the west with her girlfriends. Two possible escape routes he has, one is digging a grave very deep in the earth the second is  looking above and dreaming about stars and heavens. Most of them only get to  the clouds or the moon where they usually stay most of the time."

Ok. And Now What?

  • A new Blog

Well, now that I got your attention, we go to the serious part of this article:

First,  a featured new blog by  JannetVanilla, she is an enthusiastical Imvu dweller  from Guyana and was very willing to start her own blog and here it is:  MITCH (Blog By JannetVanilla)
Warning:  Writing Blogs may be contagious!
Sure it may be. Two days ago JannetVanilla and a group of friends visited me in my office which happens to be inside of the TheMorningNews main office. She was very excited to know it was a newspaper and started to inquire about it and what to do to write some articles. I told her the newspaper was a blog. The rest is easy to guess, the next day she had her own blog on line.
After some adjustements she, managed  to have it on line and open for comments by anyone who wants to give her a feedback.
That is mere, pure and great   enthusiasm. Do you know what enthusiam means? It means "a God Inside". You may do the search in the web for it.

Having a god inside is no doubt a form of living a spiritual life. Being spiritual doesn't mean laying down on bed with the head on a pillow watching the slow evolution of the ceiling. Not at all, it may mean a lot of hard work, many hours of dedications and the best part of it, a great joy. So, if any one wants to start a new thread, a new blog or sending an article, go ahead.

Our Roots: Woman and Nature
  • A nice true story.
Women are the nature!

Village of Amdahy
a room by MorganQuinnX

The old idea that there exists a heaven in the middle of every hell, this time came true. TMNews was following the thread of the Unknown Wars which took her once again to an unexpected meeting with a military man, this time a senior officer with whom she  held a long conversation, the account of which was published in the last edition of TheMorningNews. But it wasn't the only encounter in that time and place that day. The tense situation wouldn't  anticipate a better moment at a light year of distance. But some miracle do occur and a new encounter took place almost simultaneosly. The story as told by TMNews is below:

The Story of Hehewuti and Angpetu
by TMNews

In Amadahy, An Indian Reservation
(Click to Enlarge) 

MorganQuinnX:    Welcome to the Village.
TMNews:               thanks
MorganQuinnX:   May I call you Angpetu?
TMNews:               As you wish.
MorganQuinnX:    It means "Radiant"
TMNews:               nice, Apache language?
MorganQuinnX:    Sioux :)
TMNews:               good.

MorganQuinnX:   I gave up my military career when I married, he then passed,
                                I inherited money, and bought this place. A place where people
                                can live in the palm's of Mother Nature.
                                The whole "war games" dilema is behind me, sorry.
TMNews:               ok
MorganQuinnX:   But you are always welcome here -smiles-
TMNews:               you are a step ahead. I don’t want  have you come back on
                                your steps.
                                I’m  sorry.
                                and thankful for your help.
                                Do you have name for yourself in the Sioux language?
MorganQuinnX:   Hehewuti is what I am known as.
TMNews:               what does it mean?
MorganQuinnX:   "Warrior Mother Spirit"
TMNews:               beautiful

Hehewuti and Angpetu

TMNews:               well, i want to thank you  for inviting me to this place or realm,
                                its like a sanctuary
                                and for sharing with me those two names you have taught me.
MorganQuinnX:    hahóo:)
                                Which is Thank you.
                               Which was in reply to your compliment of my name.
                                And it is not a problem.
                                I would like to think that day, this little village will have a much
                                bigger population.
                                Right now, we are but two. Myself, and my niece.
TMNews:               does Amadahy mean something special for you?
MorganQuinnX:    It means "Water Forest"
                                It is the perfect name for this place; water and the tree's
                                surrounding it.
TMNews:               Yeah.
                               Do you have Sioux ancestry?
MorganQuinnX:  Myself in RL?
TMNews:              yeah, or in your soul.
                               We dont choose virtual roles if we don’t have a trace of them
                               in our soul.
MorganQuinnX:   I have Cheyenne blood, but I was told I was a Dogman in
                               my past life too.
                               So it is very special to me :)
TMNews:              i see.
                              What we want to be is as important as what we are.
                              because we are here today and may be we will be here
                              again in the future.
MorganQuinnX:  Indeed.
                               Feel free to follow me to the Yurt.
                               I am still decorating the room.
                               I may add some traditional kayak's to the water.
                               I don't know yet though, maybe incorporate some rainfall too.
TMNews:               its very nice, i had never seen something like this
MorganQuinnX:   Feel free to write something on it -laughs-
TMNews:              i will
                               people will love it
                               not because of my writing
                               but because of the contents of it
MorganQuinnX:  Awe hahoo.
TMNews:               so wild, natural, primitive, ...
                               so pure
MorganQuinnX:   But people would only discover it through your writings.
TMNews:               yeah
                               My work is making people aware of what is hidden and
                                is valuable to see and know
                                Information is just that, data.
                               But uncovering what is before our eyes and we don’t see
                               that is knowldege
MorganQuinnX:   We have neighbour's too.
                                Blackfeet, Cherokee, etc.
                                They do stop by from time to time, and we have music and
                               some dancing.
TMNews:               I wish i could come some day and share some of it
MorganQuinnX:   Like I said earlier - You are always welcome, Angpetu.
TMNews:               thanks Hehewuti
                                I must go back to my place now
                                I look forward to see you soon
MorganQuinnX:    No problem.
                                May you always be blessed.
TMNews:                bye now
MorganQuinnX:     Goodbye.

Notes by the Editor
There are some beautiful pictures captured by our columnist  Ox.Easton in Amadahy Village which are published in  TheMorningNews (Español) edition of this article.


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