Thursday, December 1, 2011

TheMorningNews Thu 1st DEC 2011

The Hunt for AfterHours News

After exploring different locations, the production team has just identified a place for the shooting of the main part of the series. It is a room featurning an urban area in a medium sized city. One of our sponsors have donated a room for the making of the series.

TMNews Editor
Inspecting Locations or Videoseries
(Click to Enlarge)

The Hunt for the AfterHours News is the name of the series, but in real life things seems to go in opposite directions; it is the news that chases us, at least on this last ocassion.
Our editor was inspectig the place selected as location for the shooting of the series and sudenly a call came in;  someone  wanted to communicate with her. She tried to continue her inspection and leave the call for an answer later on. But the caller insisted so much she finally called him back. This is an excerpt of the dialog:

The Wars Nobody Know About

BHK Black Hawk Down Aircraft (Carrier) and
USAD (US AIR Defense)
are recruiting soldiers for a battle against
the Pharaon's Army.
BHK Battle group leader Gral. Alwa7sh89
reported attacks on american territory and
expect more attacks on primary targets
on next hours.
He strongly recommends all Imvu dwellers
to stay at home
to minimize civil casualties.

Volunteers msg Imvu User: Alwa7sh89
(BHK Army General)

Black Hawk Down Aircraft Carrier
(Click to enlarge)

Unexpected conversation while
inspecting  location in a local taxi
(Click to Enlarge)

Conversation with General Alwa7sh89 of BHK Battle Group

Alwa7sh89: hello me'em
TMNews: You insisted in talking to me.
                 What is it. What can i do for you?
Alwa7sh89: i am the general of BHK AND I NEED UR HELP WITH SOMTHIN
TMNews: really? go ahead, tell me

Alwa7sh89: i need u to tell peaple
                    to stay at there homes
                    the egyptian every were and they want to kill peaple of america
                   so USAD Army with Black Hawk down Army goin to help peaple and safe peaple
                   so tell them
                  to don't be worry
                 we will make every thing fine
                  and other thing
                 i need all the peaple know the BHK need more soldiers to attack egyptian
                  if u don't mind about it
TMNews: well, i can publlsh all that

Alwa7sh89: really ?
                   if u want anything i am in the AirCraft ok ?
TMNews: why egyptians and not all the rest of arabs?
Alwa7sh89: its just egyptian who attacked us
                    its pharaho's army
                    its a war
                 USAD And Bhk Vs Egyptian Armies
                 i need ur help to tell peaple to stay at home cuz egypt goin hospitals and
                 every places to shoot

TMNews: when are they suppose to attack? any moment?
Alwa7sh89: they attacked today
                   and from tommorow is the mutcher Attackes
TMNews: they must have a primary target
                   they couldnt just attack on a wide area, there must be a target place
Alwa7sh89: they have
                   and idk what is it its there planes and idk what there planes are
                   they are sending tanks and soldiers and halicopter to break the buildings
TMNews: well, its time to alert people and also of hitting back.
                  What is the army doing about that?ok
Alwa7sh89: yes just warn them
                   we are training the soldiers now
                   and USAD Army is ready
but my army ain't ready yet
so usad goin to attack intell my army is full soldiers
and my army will help all the peaple
TMNews: Ok. have you coordinated some activties with other army camps, such as Titan Camp?
Alwa7sh89: titan with us
                    i think
                    and i got there bases
                    and 1 camp
                    i got everything ,..
                    just warn the pepale about it
TMNews: Ok. I will
Alwa7sh89: thanks Ms ?
TMNews: and let me know of other further development
Alwa7sh89: i can't say it to u
                    now i am getting my soldiers
                    and now
                    i do the plane
                    and we goin to attack
                    and u will see at my profile hes rooms
                    if u see Egyptian or IEA then its hes base and camps
                   done me'em ?
TMNews: ok. Tell me. If some people want to help in some way, who must they talk to?
Alwa7sh89: i will ...
TMNews: Ok, I will tell them to contact you.
Alwa7sh89: thanks ..
                   : if u want anything i am in the Black Hawk down AirCraft
Alwa7sh89: don't be shy
                   cya  Later ..
TMNews: see you

The Aftermath of the encounter with the Gral.
After this interview, nearly one hour later, we started to understand what was going on. After consulting  me trustful source we could learn the the said "Pharaon's Army" wasn't really a great threat so an alert to to the people must be of informative level  rather than red alarm.
Any way, the recruiting process is open, and Gral. Alwa7sh89  expects  volunteers to msg him.

BHK Carrier at High Sea
Black Hawk Down Aircraft
(Click to Enlarge)

TMNews on board of BHK Carrier
(Click to Enlarge)


(...edition inprogress)

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