Thursday, December 15, 2011

TheMorningNews. Announces coming WeekEnd Edition

WeekEnd Edition
Two Main Headlines
·Hypercommunities on the go: Green Light
·TMN: TheMorningNews VideoChannel

Year End Program: Starting  Dec 23 until January 1st 2012.
Before that,  some trial days to measure general performance. 

Probably a rotation of a limited playlist of clips including advertisement spots and programs. May be 4x6 or 6x4 with some variations and allowances for LIVE webcast.
During the first week trial days many clips on backstages activities will be broadcasted once or twice and then never again. The reason for using such raw material is evaluating perfomance of the different sizes, formats and sources. A technical activity.

There will be some adjustments in the graphic design. Labels, banners used for the pilot tests were improvised. They will be replaced by the ones still in the drawing pan yet.

The link :                          http: //
(Paste it in the browser)

HyperCom Wizard Hermiawnee
(Click to Enlarge)

HyperCom Constructor: Hermiawnee
“No Magic: Only the works of Nature”.
“Hypercommunities are living organisms so they will probably behave like any living creature and will start as an  embryo and then growing. Nucleation, growing and proliferation enhanced and boosted by diffusion mechanisms and transport phenomena; they  should have their logical counterparts in Imvu”. (Page 4, Chapter II, Book of Standard Spells)

HyperCommunity on the go

A wizard hired by TheMorrningNews board of directors, sponsors, owners and investors to build the first hypercommunity in Imvu ever.
Jumping from magic to engineering to give HyperCom a viewable shape.

Hypercommunities are nucleated and formed by integration of rooms by different owners. Hypercom is a project to make a prototype for this idea.
Hypercom will connect some portion of their respective realm  to a common place.

The project HyperCom-01 is funded by a group of selected neighbours who are  willing to participate,  build their respective space  within a common room and pay for it.

Building a super community

Why Building the first HypCom Prototype?
"To set a good  example of how an hypercommunity might  look like. And most important of all:  how it could work."

Will it work?
"We don't know; that is why a lab experience is so important and this is both a pilot program and a lab trial. We don't know what is going to be like".
"Just like  babies; you don't know what it will be like. You only know it will be lovely and you will enjoy the experience.LOL".
Building the First Embryo
(Click to Enlarge)

 Do you have any Babies?
 "No, but I was a lovely baby when I was born".

Building a super community....will continue

Update Dec 16 2011 13:03 PST
The Room HyperCom already open for tourists
HyperCom: Stands for HyperCommunity and it refers to the first attempt to build a real scale model of what a hypercommunity would be. HyperCom is the name of the project promoted and funded by the newspaper TheMorningNews (TMNews)(local in Imvu); its Constructor and Engineer in Chieff is Hermiawnee who was hired recently by the board of directors.

HyperCom Icon
as seen in t ChatRoom Menu

Prototype for a Pilot HyperCommunity; different owners share
resources from a portion of their  respective realms which they have agreed to connect and link to those belonging to others.
Hypercommunity is an idea promoted and funded by TheMorningNews.

Notes of the Editor:
These articles will come in their entirety in the WeekEndEditcion  due for publishing tomorrow Saturday Dec 16th 2011 at noon (PST). 

(... in edition process)

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