Monday, December 5, 2011

TheMorningNews Mon 5th Dec 2011 (08:15 PST)

Monday, Dec 5th 2011

In this Edition:

The Unknown Wars:

According to new information provided by OfficerMarsha a senior officer,  Gral.Alwa7s would be impersonating an officer and he could be get counts on it and be taken to a court marshal. His real rank would a cpl, not a general.
However, same source said that he is a self proclaimed general and that is not the way officers get their ranks in the army. Generals get to that position after long years of service.
Senior Officer OfficerMarsha and Tmnews
at Village of Amadahy (an Indian Reservation)
(Click to Enlarge)

See the  interview in the details:

Articles in Detail

The Unknown Wars:

According to new information provided by OfficerMarsha a senior officer,  Gral.Alwa7s would be impersonating an officer and he could be get counts on it and be taken to a court marshal. His real rank would a cpl, not a general.
However, same source said that he is a self proclaimed general and that is not the way officers get their ranks in the army. Generals get to that position after long years of service.

Army and the Press
OfficerMarsha and Tmnews
at Village of Amadahy 

WarGames and Virtual Reality:  Virtual or a Reality?

We may be having a great deficiency in intelligence gathering.

What are the hypothesis?
Private research and investigations are underway at this moment to reach to a satisfactory level of assessment of the case of the Unknown Wars.
We may not tell the results before they are made. But surely we can say that there is no oil in the deserts of Imvu, so the interest for fighting a war must be focused on some other sort of specific purposes. Read the conclusions after the interview for some hints.

Interview at Village of Amadahy (an Indian Reservation)

Tmnews:             Could you  read some of the developments in
                            the case of Gral.Alwa7s war?

MorganQuinnX: I have spoken to his friend's and collegues, and
                            they have no idea what he was on about.

Tmnews:            i have had open ears for him, so far. And tried to help him in his
                             But it seems to me a personal battle
                             rather than a general cause.
MorganQuinnX: I would have to agree there.

Tmnews:             I am prone to support his  leadership, rather than his war.
MorganQuinnX: You do understand he is merely a Cpl, right?
Tmnews:            yes.
                            I see in him a leader to be, a soldier wannabe.
MorganQuinnX: Then he has no right to lead his unit into battle,
                             without the support of his senior's.
Tmnews:             we need leaders, no matter they make some mistakes
                             in his  learning path.
MorganQuinnX: I've invited his CO.
                            You can speak to him about the matter.
Tmnews:            thats the good part i see in him. What i don t like is precisely that.
                            He seems to be alone.
(Enters OfficerMarsha)

MorganQuinnX: Welcome Luck & Officer

OfficerMarsha: ((ty))
Tmnews:             Hi
MorganQuinnX: You should speak to OfficerMarsha, tm.
Tmnews:            I was just about to call him when you invited me morgan.
MorganQuinnX: tmnews, you previously told me that your source was the General,
                           what gave you that impression?
Tmnews:           well, he is the only one who has come to ask for some help or
                           tell anything.
                           Afer the first time i was astonished by his story.
                           Then  I went to you to get an opinion, an informed opinion.
MorganQuinnX: To me, it seems as though he has acted with misconduct.
                            He was in no position to go to the press and ask for any help.
Tmnews:            Then i decided to help him (Gral.) Alwa7s in what he was asking for.
                           Some publicity.
OfficerMarsha: tm alwa
Tmnews:            In the meantime, I tried to asses the veracity of his war.
OfficerMarsha: is a cpl
                           not general
Tmnews:           Ok. now that is new information for me.
MorganQuinnX: In my eyes, and my own professional opinion, alwa had no right to
                            come to you for help, without first seeking permission from his
                            Commanding Officers. Its professional misconduct.
OfficerMarsha:  he never was a general
                            only cpl
                            oh and
                            pharaho defeated USAD in battle earlier
                            he took the french base
Tmnews:            he seems to have taken war as his own problem.
                            Could that be his  reason to do that?
                            What do you suggest i should do, OfficerMarsha?
                            I was even about to search for a path to talk tp pharaho
                            and get a picture of the situation as a whole
                            I had no more information at the time Grl. or Cpl alwa7s came to me.
MorganQuinnX: He's Cpl.
                            That has already been pointed out.
Tmnews:            He was an american our side, and trying to fight a foreign enemy, ...
                            i thought it was better i helped him, while i could get more information.
OfficerMarsha: ik
Tmnews:             I understand if he is cpl he shouldnt skip the chain of command and get
                            to the outside without authorization.
OfficerMarsha:  i also heard pharaho fights
                            with the help of his allies
                            he only has his allies fight for him
Tmnews:            Well, i think a war usually  has  be fought in several fronts.
                            One of them is the media, the press.
OfficerMarsha: yes
Tmnews:            I think, there has been a progress forward by letting ordinary people
                            know about this wars
OfficerMarsha: yep
Tmnews:            May be names must be other names, and the order and source  of
                            communications be other than it has been.
OfficerMarsha:  my last war which was with salttear2
                             ended in a victory through pulse
Tmnews:             Well, the topic of a war is on headlines by now.
OfficerMarsha:  ik
                            but the thing is
Tmnews:            I think that is good for all the armed forces, because it may motivate
                           support by people
OfficerMarsha:  then you got the haters
Tmnews:            yes, but you may have the opportunity to express your side too.
                            Support comes in flavours. One is moral support and two,
                            material support.
OfficerMarsha:   yep
OfficerMarsha: the haters don't know especially in rl
                             that soldiers have seen war
                            and war not a pretty sight
Tmnews:             it is desirable to get some support from people, specially if
                            soon will be  fighting a battle with no great inventory of weapons.
                             I can tell you that one newspaper's sponsor sent a jet fighter to  Alwa7s
                            after reading the first published article.
OfficerMarsha: k
Tmnews:            so, people should be aware of what is going on in war fronts
OfficerMarsha: yep
Tmnews:             of course you will have 2 and more opinions.
MorganQuinnX:  Afk.

Tmnews:            It would be a great idea to tell people about the big picture of this war.
                            Why, where. who, ...what for.
OfficerMarsha:  well for one
                            181 are my allies
                             and they been fighting pharaho
                             alot more then i have
Tmnews:              Is it a defensive war?
                              why does pharaho exist as a leader.
                              Why he is an enemy?
                              what does he want?
OfficerMarsha:    i really don't know much on IEAS
                              or the war
                              all ik is he plans on defeating evey 181 men and their allies
                              like conquering them
Tmnews:              who are his allies ? are there any identified groups?
                              how are they organized?
OfficerMarsha:   Foxhound
Tmnews:              yeah, they are american side.
                              But what about the other side, Pharaho's allies.
                              Who are they?
OfficerMarsha:   idk his allies
                              or who they are
Tmnews:              well, we have plenty of peaceful egyptian civilians
                              (officially civilians) who could make an army if they want.
OfficerMarsha:   ik
Tmnews:              there must be a secret army. if not, where are they in Imvu?.
                              may be they fight not only in battle fronts. They can be among
                              ordinary people and we have no countermeasure to check on them.
                              But that is your business officer;  if i can be of any help, let me know.
                              May i ask
OfficerMarsha:   alright

Tmnews:              How do you think the case of Cpl Alw7s must be treated,
                              by you in the army and by me in the press?
MorganQuinnX: You may take a seat mind.
OfficerMarsha:   well if alwa calls himself a general
                              i'm have to get a court marshall for him
                              cause he can't get to general unless he does yrs of service
Tmnews:               i see.
                              What about his followers? are they renegades or new recruits
                              he has gathered?
OfficerMarsha:   idk
Tmnews:              I can see no easy times for Alw7s, he will be fighting pharaho
                              on one flank and a court marshall on the other
                              what if he succeeds?
                              will he be decorated and then courtmarshalled and
                              posibly punished?
OfficerMarsha:  well for impersonnating an officer
                             but if he defeats pharaho
                             he will be hailed as a hero
                             but impersonating an officer
                             that can't be avoided
Tmnews:             some things may morph in a political issue,
                             when public opinion is involved.
                             but it hasn't happened yet
OfficerMarsha: yes ik
Tmnews:              as a written media, i must have open doors
                              if i can be of any help to you, i will do my best to assist you.
OfficerMarsha:   k ty
Tmnews:              Alwa7s has the same right to knock my door,
                              even if he is misbehaving in his duty
OfficerMarsha:    ik
Tmnews:              and the readers have the right to be informed and
                              be asked their opinion
                              We dont know how this whole affair will settle
                              time will tell
OfficerMarsha:   yep
Tmnews:              Be sure i will inform about your side in this story.
OfficerMarsha:  ok
Tmnews:             Alwa7s must be exposed if he has done wrong
                             by not following the chain of command
OfficerMarsha:   yep
Tmnews:             and your men will know their efforts will not go unknown or
                             forgotten in the fog of time.
OfficerMarsha:  yep
                             gtg wrk in rl
                             be back tonight
Tmnews:             Ok . I think something positive has come out of this.
OfficerMarsha:  yep
Tmnews:             Find me, we may talk again.

Comments and Conclusions

When we prompted our cognitive wizards for an answer for what would be the purpose of  this mistery wars,  we got some creepy answers:
“Sure, we have no oil in the deserts of Imvu rooms but we have vulnerable young people who can easily fall in traps set by extorsionists, whiteslavery rings and porno traffic gangsters. Not oil, but a lot money”.

Profiling their leader
We asked for a profile, what are the main features and traces of such an enemy.
Probably an outlaw in his own country or an army renegade looking for some outstanding  victory to get forgiveness and be able to return to his family, former job, rank or position. To achieve such a goal he would take shortcuts, play dirty and even make a bloody war if necessary.
However, he is not an ordinary peasant, he must be an outstanding person and a natural leader   able to gather members and resources and have techno abilities to organize his open and covert operations.
Probably he hides by using multiple identities and play different roles. As a leader, as an ordinary dude and as himself. But no one can escape his own nature so any of these twins or clones would be recognized easily by some profiling expert.
He would play daring and visit the headquarters of his enemies, to explore and study groups or persons he deems as possible threat. He even could be infiltrated in some army or his enemies. He is clever and smart and despises his enemies as well as his own allies. They are not allies, they are his assets, his slaves so no exhibiting any merit for his respect. That’s the guy”.

(...edition in progress)

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