Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas 2011 (by Ox.Easton)

Ox.Easton manages  her own productions and writings in TheMorningNews and anchors her own program  OX-TheRecord in  
TMN Video Channel.

In the name of our team in TheMorningNews I wish you all a Great Christmas Eve!


Merry Christmas 2011
(Click to Enlarge)

Tracking our work: What have we been doing? 

The Blogs
You may know this blog of TheMorningNews, but it is not the only one. There is a Spanish Version as well.
TV Studios

We have arranged several rooms as live studios for our video productions. We had several  proposals by our style  designers and we finally chose those  aiming  to production in live environments. So a search was made among the rooms at hand and others in the catalog to identify those offering the best facilities.
  • Dancing on My GRAVE by fromiMclaw
  • Dancing On The Stars by Hadalyla
  • HyperCom by Hermiawnee
  • AfterHours Hunters Studio by TMNews
  • McLau Familys Affairs Business Office by Okzanah
  • BavayagaHutCafe by BavaYaga

Additional rooms are scheduled for arrangement and integration to this network during year 2012 aiming to offshore authors. Our purpose is to set a basis to build a ring around the globe.

TMN Video Channel
A video streaming channel has been set up in the livestream service. You may see TMN Channel In

Also An account in Youtube: TMNewsMagazine

 Dancing On My GRAVE
by FromiMcLau
Dancing on My GRAVE is a studio made from the GraveYard gifted by Imvu for the celebration of Halloween on last October this year.
It is a friendly place to shoot and capture any kind of videos. Some clips for dance videos and publicty spots for TMN Video Channel have been capptured in this place. 

 Dancing on The Stars
by HadaLyla
Okzanah in Dancing on the Stars
(Click to Enlarge)
This is an old space station used as TV Studio for the production of some clips for thr IDD-2010 (International Day of Dance) last year. It was open for public use two months ago. Her author Hadalyla has been back in Imvu lately after a long time of absence. She hasn't been writing in this blog but has made many contributions for the artitistic direction in the planning of TMN Video Channel. You may see some videos of event IDD-2010 in youtube searching for user TVLYLA.

By Hermiawnee
iiLoveyouToo as a  visitor
and Okzanah
(Click to Enlarge)

Having a break in Ester Island a  landmark one cannot miss visiting if going to Hypercom.
iiLoveyouToo and Okzanah posing in the sandbeach while inspecting the last changed made in the location.
iiLoveyouToo is a person who makes her own videos and have her own account in youtube to share them. You may see her last video in :
Any way, some of the clips will be shown in the program Ox-TheRecord y TMN Video Channel. 

AfterHours Hunters Studio
by TMNews
Santa Monica DownTown
(Click to Enlarge) 
This place is the result of daring idea for an open air live studio. After some explorations tehe conslusion was that it was better to use a city and turn it into a studio than trying to build a studio from scratch to ressemble an urban space. The chosen city was Santa Monica of which a model was available in the product catalog.

McLau Familys Affairs Business Office
by Okzanah
Okzanah at the TMNews Office
(Click to Enlarge)
This is a multipurpose office in a location in front of the Bay of San Francisco. TheMorningNews was hosted in this office since its begining in mid November 2011.

BavayagaHutCafe by BavaYaga

Bavayaga in her Cafe
This is a Cafe in the middle of nowhere which is no problem at all because the access is usually via Portal option or direct link on the text box.
Named BavaYaga Hut  after a famous witch and her hut in a Russian fairy tale. Hut was supported by chicken legs so Bavayaga could look in any direction to scan the horizon for the presence of unexpected visitors. The cafe structure is not over chickens legs but it has an hexagonal plant so it has windows facing in six directions. By the way, its author is Bavayaga.

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