Friday, December 9, 2011

TheMorningNews Fri Dec 9th 2011 (15:24 PST)

Thursday 9th December 2011

Announcing Weekend Edition

New features in this paper:

Reinventing the way things are done is a permanent activity in TheMorningNews; the landscape changes every day so is our own organization, products and services. That wouldn’t be possible if not by integration of different hands, brains, minds, craftmanships, skills and, of course, a wider audience  and feedback.

We don’t stand only for ethereal concepts like Hypercommunities; we are also on practical everyday things like Economy. What to do to boost economy at a personal level here in Imvu? That’s a good question and it demands direct good answers.

What is really new in all this? May be it is the acknowledgement of the fact that we are living in the middle of a Knowledge Era, in which it is not force, oil, money or whatever the core of drivers were in the past, but knowledge. What is knowledge in practical terms? It is information and meaning right on time. When we have information on past events and an understanding of them it is History, Anthropology, Sociology, whatever. What is it if available in time, place and opportunity? It is Intelligence. That is what we need, more intelligence and knowledge. Usually market offers bigger breasts, butts and penis, but it never offers a bigger brain or intelligence. Descartes, a French philosopher, said that “intelligence is the best distributed asset in the world because nobody wants more than it has”.

Ok, now that I have set the pitch for this edition, let’s untie our shirtsleeves, roll them up to the elbow and go to the kitchen to see what is all this barbecue on the grill about.
The Editor

The Feminist Corner
by FromiMclau
Women for Women’s Rights
The Profilers
(by : (undisclosed))
Do you want to become a Profiler:
Welcome to the Darkside
The Hunt for After Hours News
by Ox.Easton
TV-Series and Talkshow
by TMNews Studio
TV-News (Video)
Featured Blogs
Mitch a blog by JannetVanilla
Featured Articles
Boost your Personal Economy in Imvu
Featured Advertisements
TheMorningNews T-Shirt
Spanish Edition
by Ox.Easton 
French Edition
(Link not availabe yet)

Don’t Miss  reading the Weekend Edition of The MorningNews
It will be published on Saturday Dec 10th 2011 at Noon PST  


Note of the Editor:
The usual way to follow this blog is by links we publish in some adds in the Pulse. If you want to follow us, then you have to add user TMNews to your list of friends.

Sometimes we also msg people inviting them to join us. Others we add in our list of friends those whose postings may be of interest for others to read before they evaporate from the Pulse.

Of course, there are some important people who get upset and freak when someone adds them. "OMG. someone added ME!" -  Usually oldtimers who seldom are calling for more friends than they already have. But I appeal to their understanding, the only purpose is inviting them to read the paper. Some of them have been very harsh in their reactions. They seem to think they are more important than the standard people. I'd like to tell them, loud and clear, we don't need them. Imvu is about sharing, we want to share what we have because it is interesting for us and might be interesting for others. We don't do it because we need them. Really not. Freakers, haters, you are disposable and ridiculous, we don't need you.
The Editor

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